Sunday, September 22, 2013

roommates reunited

Sorry it took so long to upload this picture, but here it is! It was so fun to see Stephanie--I hadn't seen her since Hana's wedding (before Noah was even conceived). Deb brought beautiful, new Bonnie (and left Violet at home with Jared). And I always love seeing Missy!

We were able to FaceTime Daniella, but weren't able to get in touch with Hayley. Sorry, Hay.

How did we all get old enough to have kids and stuff?


Stephanie said...

Thanks Nikkerbocker!

Hayley said...

I called you back like ten minutes after you called me and no one answered. So.... It's not my fault. Anyways, thanks for letting us know exactly when Noah was conceived, Nikki, and thank you for uploading this photo so I can see how weird it is that every roommate/cousin that made it to this reunion has a babe in arms. I miss you all. XoOxXo

Hayley said...

oh wait, I just looked at my call history and it may have been 2 hours later... that I called you.

deb said...

It is really weird! But I love it! Thanks Nik!

deb said...

Also, even when Steph leans over she is still a couple inches taller than me.