Monday, December 15, 2008

on the fifth day before my wedding I give you this image

I don't know if I agree with all of these, but I do agree that I'd rather do a lot of things before going to grad school. I'm just not motivated enough. Or smart enough. Perhaps I'll just work on my undergrad and then have some kids? Ha haha.


Unknown said...

Also, who is this "naked photographer"?

hayley said...

You're nuts. I'd get a grad degree in a heartbeat, it's a matter of money I'm afraid...
I'm so excited for you. I'm even missing my grandmother's 88th birthday party for you.

I hope your HAPpy

hayley said...

I thought "the naked photographer" was the funniest one by the way. Ha! Who KNOWS what that MEANS! ha ha haha ahah ha.

Meg Duffy said...

have kids. lots of them. and name one after me. oh have kids... nothing can be better!

everyone knows what a naked photographer is....

a person who gets to take pictures without any clothes... nobody wants to do it because they often get frostbiten and stuff.... also... well I don't want to get in to that.

Regs said...

That made me chuckle. Had I known what grad school was going to be like, I might have chosen some of those careers . . . I can't believe your big day is almost here!! Love you babe!

Becca said...

well as a photographer I can tell you exactly what a naked photographer is:

you do all the same things as a normal photographer, you just don't wear any clothes.

I would have chosen that route but I have like 170 stretch marks and am prego again, so I didn't think it would be the best idea. Otherwise I totally would have done that.

ps- it's actually 3 days. can you believe it. 3 days. that's it. 3. tres. toi. III.


micquel said...

hey, the baby route is totally my plan. even though my eye doctor told me that grad school was mandatory for me, babies or not. I guess I should let him make all of my major life decisions, right?

This was a funny. I wonder what specifically they would be taste testing monkey poo for?

Becca said...

HEY. i already commented on here today. but I just wanted to remind you:


actually I really wanted to say that now that you will be married you won't be "just nikki" anymore. You will be "Nikki and Monte." You don't have to be, but I just thought of that today. Because I really don't know why I put James' name as part of my blogging. He never looks at blogs. ever. well...unless I make him. Then he does.

Unknown said...

Hayley- you don't have to miss her party! Or maybe you do. But try not to! You can sleep in my bed when you come.

Meg- 1 child to start with, please.

Regan- love you!

Becca- I'm glad you keep your clothes on.

Micquel- perhaps they'd be trying to detect what the monkeys had been eating?

Kristi said...

SO TRUE. If I could go back in time, I would much rather be a naked photographer than a grad student.