Friday, March 04, 2011

this is disgusting

Litter boxes are gross enough, but this? It's just wrong.

Cleaning up poop wouldn't be that bad because you'd just scoop it up and throw it away (like you have to when dogs poop on the lawn).

HOWEVER, cleaning up the pee sounds very messy. It can hold 2 GALLONS of pee! Can you imagine if you accidentally dumped it out on your carpet, or on yourself, or on your laptop? Imagine the possibilities.

How often do you think that replacement mats (the "grass" part) should be replaced?

To learn more about this disgusting contraption, go HERE.


Maecy said...

The crap will get stuck on that and then you will have to spray it off with a hose and then it will splat on your leg. Why?????-Kenneth
And I have to ask you why? Nikki? Why do you know about this? Thank you for this. Me

[Morgan] said...

gross. gross!!!!!!!
plus, don't we want to teach our pets not to poop on grass? eh. what do i know, i hate dogs.
this posts being one of the very reasons.