Monday, June 06, 2005

Summer plans? That's just funny.

Do you ever feel like you have so much to do that you hate that you just feel miserable and wish that you would just die? Now, I'm not suicidal or anything, but sometimes I just feel so overwhelmed with everything that is happening. I'm not feeling that way right now but I think I will when I start school in two weeks. I've never really had to do anything during school but now I have to work during school to earn money for school. That's the worst thing I can think of. I really did try to get scholarships but I am not cool enough. I wish some rich old lady would take pity on me and pay for my college bills. What a hassle. Poo.

The extent of my summer plans consist of going camping overnight with my family, probably in pouring rain, and I have to drive to the campsite by myself because I have to work. What an amazingly fantastic life I have--always full of fun and excitement. I really don't mind just hanging out with friends at home, but sometimes I feel like I need to get out of Utah for a little while. That's not happening, though, so hopefully I can get in my "Love Provo" mood once again. Before school starts, preferably.


Unknown said...

I'm okay with going to BYU, but I am just worried that once school starts I'll be so busy that I won't have a chance of being happy anymore. I feel like in order for me to be happy I have to be around my friends a LOT. I just need to suck it up and get my own life.

deb said...

you POO heads.

Anonymous said...

Nikki write a new blog or something.

Babs said...

Nikki- Yeah, I know what ya mean... hence the reason that I'm in Utah and have been for at least a year now... if that makes any sense at all! But we should all go be beach bums in california for a weekend... or week...or for... ever?! I agree with Becca's advice though... find the hunk to sit by! I wish I could say you can't go wrong there.... but that's not true.. some hunks aren't so hunky when they start talking... but I guess you have a higher chance if you do it in every class eh?! Anywho, Ok, if anyone at my work read this, I'd die of emberessment.. so ADIOS AmigA!