Sunday, July 10, 2005

Peeing in the woods with boys.

So, this canoeing trip we went on was quite enjoyable. Weird, but fun. I think the best part about it is that no one brought their girlfriends. Boys with girlfriends are weird. I don't know what to say to them or how to act around them. Why can't they just go on missions and not even consider the whole dating situation? It is just an inconvenience for everyone. Now, I might sound kind of hypocritical because I am sort of wanting to date someone at the moment, but please disregard this aspect of things.

Anyway, now everyone wants to go camping together, but they want to backpack to where we are going to be camping. I am really excited about this, I just hope that there are responsible people coming who know more about preparing to go camping than me. Teri knows how I adept (or rather inadept) at preparing I am. I have been camping/backpacking every year of my life, but I am never the one who has to arrange everything and put it all together--my parents always do that. I hate having to be the responsible one.

Tommy Boy was a great idea. I enjoyed it quite a bit and I think things like that should happen all the time. Phil and Stephanie cuddling/holding hands/touching the whole time was kind of bizarre, but I wouldn't mind having it for myself.


Unknown said...

I think I have a lot more juevos than Jake, even though I am a girl. He needs to be a MAN!

micquel said...

he does need to step it up and be a man, no doubt about it.

I really would like to go on the backpacking extravaganza, although I agree with the planning dillemaness. You plan it, I come. (If I can get work off.) Lets do it! (If people are confident of not getting lost.)

deb said...

Um, camping? What the booger is this about? Anyhow, I agree with the Phil/Stephanie thingy, it was super wierd.

deb said...

I wish I were more outdoorsy.

Anonymous said...

does anyone really know when this camping thing is happening? It sounds fun! And Debbie! You should become more outdoorsy cause you need to come! What would we do without Debbie there?
I would have to agree with that girlfriends comment.. it was nice not feeling awkward when Kylen and Phil were there canoeing!

Babs said...

ok, That was wierd.. the annonymousness was unintentional!

Unknown said...

yes, I like just hanging out with boys. Girlfriends shouldn't happen...around me.

Teri, I totally could have guessed that was you even if you hadn't clarified the unintentiosity of it. It just sounded exactly like you.

Babs said...

Look Nikki! This is the second comment today!! haha, actually third, but not, anywho! So, Yes, remember when you and jake, and then Erik and I went on that date, and we almost forget everything possible that was necessary for roasting marshmallows and starting a fire, that t'was muy funny!

Unknown said...

Indeed, it was. We are such idiots. I don't know why we ever thought we were responsible. Well, me, for that matter.

micquel said...

guess what. I can't go backpacking. I looked at the time off request thingy yesterday, and there precisely one day left in August that I could get off. Poop.

You all have fun without me.

Unknown said...

that's complete crap. NuSkin in my archnemesis. I smell something fishy, maybe it is a badger...

deb said...

I swear it wasn't me this time.

Unknown said...

it is 7:04 PM

Babs said...

That badger picture of yours on that calendar is amazing Debbie! It's quite cute, who knew Badgers could be cute and cuddly! ;0)

Unknown said...

Mine are quite feisty and vicious.

deb said...

Sometimes badgers can be really smelly, like the one I just let.

micquel said...

well, sometimes Harry Potter books say stuff about badgers and it makes me laugh really hard all alone in my room.