Wednesday, November 25, 2009

the beginning of awesomeness

So, I finished Chuck season 2 the other night. It was fantastic. If any of you are ever looking for an entertaining show to watch in your spare time the first two seasons are on I believe season 3 will begin in February.

In other news, it's Thanksgiving Break! I've been waiting for this week for 2.5 months. It is upon us. And, boy, am I going to take advantage of it. Here are some of the things I'll be doing that I haven't been able to do for awhile because of school/work/no time:

- shooting (guns, that is)
- shopping (Christmas is coming soon)
- sleeping in (only a little bit)
- baking and cooking for Thanksgiving (I'm in charge of the rolls and the cranberry salad)
- relaxing and reading good books (currently, Three Cups of Tea)
- seeing "expensive" movies in the "real" theaters (I have gift certificates--any movie suggestions?)
- attending my cousins' baby showers on Saturday
- watching the rest of Glee online--I'm getting more caught up!
- writing a 3 page religion paper (bleh, but not horrible)
- and other cool stuff, like spending a lot of time with my family

Are you guys as excited about the break as I am? I guess for those of you who aren't in school it's probably not very exciting. But be happy for me, I guess.


plugalong said...

Chuck starts in January!

smellame said...

I hope you are having a great time Nikki!

Shaybaybobay said...

I really enjoy Holidays. Even if I don't get 'time off', it still feels like the holidays. Especially with family around. I really enjoyed Thanksgiving.
And Christmas is right around the corner! We'll be surrounded by family!