Wednesday, April 13, 2011

more thoughts

While we're on the subject of Harry Potter, here are a few more tidbits:

- my 6 year old niece is reading #7 right now.

- sometimes I want to get this-- it's as close as I can get to being a witch for reals

- I love this movie


Maecy said...

Ummmm. You know you are totally leaving yourself open there, right?

Babs has finished and wants to reread and I nixed that idea. Branch out my dear

The divine comedy was divine. I thank you.

Unknown said...

Haha, I guess I AM a witch already, just in a different sense of the word.

Becca said...

I can't stop laughing at that video either. SOOOOO funny. I was laughing the entire time. thanks nik!